What is Gam3 token?

Gam3’s native token powering and connecting the ecosystem.

Gam3 is the primary token within the Gam3 ecosystem and its connected network of platforms.

Gam3 initially began as a currency intended to facilitate transactions within Gam3's ecosystem and has since expanded to serve as the core utility token across our decentralized gaming infrastructure.

Gam3's current role is:

  1. Unit of account for transactions within the Gam3 ecosystem and a counterpart to other tokens on both Layer 1 and Layer 2.

  2. Gas fee payment method within the Gam3 ecosystem.

  3. Conversion token, enabling users to convert $xGam3 to $Gam3.

  4. Staking token: Users can stake $Gam3 to earn an Annual Percentage Rate (APR) and convert it to $wGAM3 for further use in GAM3 Ecosystem

  5. Universal Assets across GAM3 Ecosystem, $GAM3 will be used as assets for multiple purposes across all the products within GAM3 Ecosystem

  6. Liquidity Pair, $GAM3 will be used as Liquidity for specific trading pair within the GAM3 Ecosystem


The total supply will be 21,000,000,000 tokens, distributed as follows:


Last updated