Earning Node Rewards with Terra Keys

I. Challenge

To earn node rewards, a Terra Key must join a Challenge. Challenges happen about once every hour, leading to around 720 Challenges each month. Every Terra Key that joins a Challenge will get a share of the Network Reward, as explained in the Network Rewards section.

By default, each Terra Key has a 5% chance of joining a Challenge, known as the Starter Tier. This chance increases if the Key is staked in a Pool with a higher Tier than Bronze. The different Reward Tiers are explained in the Staking Rewards and Tiers section.

To maximize the chances of earning Network Rewards from a Terra Key, it's strongly recommended to join a Pool and keep the Terra Wallet (also known as the Operator) running 24/7.

II. Check in mechanism (Bonus)

As an additional bonus, a portion of the Gam3 tokens minted will be allocated to a dedicated pool. This pool is designed to distribute tokens equally among all Terra Keys as a form of additional reward.

  • Token Distribution: Each Terra Key will receive an equal share of the tokens from this pool every hour, regardless of its tier or participation in Challenges.

  • Daily Claims: Accumulated tokens from this check-in mechanism can be claimed once daily, directly into the linked wallet.

This check-in mechanism serves as a consistent source of rewards, encouraging continuous engagement and usage of the Terra Wallet.

Last updated